Basic School Skills Inventory (BSSI-3)

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Basic School Skills Inventory (BSSI-3) Don Hammill, James Leigh, Nils Pearson, and Taddy Maddox

The Basic School Skills Inventory­Third Edition (BSSI­3) is used to locate children ages 4-0 through 6-11 who are at high risk for school failure, who need more in-depth assessment, and who should be referred for additional study. The inventory of 137 items is based on teachers’ judgments of desirable school performance. It can be administered in 5 to 8 minutes. Using a 4-point Likert-type scale that ranges from does not perform to performance indicates mastery, the BSSI­3 provides a quick teacher rating scale of early abilities in six areas:

Daily Living Skills-basic knowledge and skills typically required for participation in day-to-day activities in school Spoken Language-ability to communicate orally Reading-knowledge of print in the form of letters, words, sentences, and paragraphs Writing-abilities and skills directly involved in writing letters, words, sentences, and paragraphs Mathematics-knowledge of numerical concepts and arithmetic operations involved in beginning mathematics Classroom Behavior-attentiveness, cooperation, attitude, socialization, and work habits

Standard scores, percentiles, and age and grade equivalents are reported for each scale. Reliability coefficients are in the .90s for each scale.

Complete BSSI­3 Kit includes Examiner’s Manual and 25 Profile/Response Forms. (1998)

SKU: 38282240