Becker Work Adjustment Profile–Second Edition (BWAP:2)

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  • Ages: 12 years through Adult
  • Testing Time: 20 minutes
  • Administration: Individual

The Becker Work Adjustment Profile–Second Edition (BWAP:2) is a practical and easy-to-use rating scale and planning tool that is designed for use with individuals with disabilities who are in transition from school to work or post-secondary training. It assesses work adjustment in four work-related areas: Work Habits/Attitudes, Interpersonal Relations, Cognitive Skills, and Work Performance Skills. With the BWAP:2 you can accurately determine which of six placement work programs an individual will be successful at:

  • Day Care
  • Work Activity
  • Low Sheltered
  • High Sheltered
  • Transitional
  • Community-Competitive

The BWAP:2 also identifies which domains require support and the level of assistance and/or aid (Limited, Low, Moderate, High, or Extensive work supports) an individual will need, in order to be successful.

The normative sample includes 4,019 individuals with intellectual disabilities, learning disabilities, economic deprivation, emotional disturbance, and physical disabilities demonstrating a variety of adaptive behavior levels and secondary disabilities. Coefficient alpha, test-retest, and interrater reliability coefficients for all subgroups in the normative sample were above .80. Strong evidence for the validity of the BWAP:2 is also presented in the User’s Manual.

COMPLETE BWAP:2 KIT INCLUDES: Manual, and 25 Test Booklets


SKU: 65014893