Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test: Second Edition (BENDER-GESTALT II)
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Bender® Visual-Motor Gestalt Test: Second Edition (BENDER-GESTALT II) Gary Brannigan, Scott Decker
Purpose: an assessment of visual-motor integration function
Ages: 4 to 85+ years
Administration Time: 10-15 minutes
The Bender-Gestalt II consists of a series of template cards, each displaying a unique figure. The individual is asked to draw each figure as he or she observes it. The design card is not removed until the drawing is complete.
The Bender-Gestalt II is ideal for use as a first measure in an extended psychological battery. With its simple design and administration, the Bender-Gestalt II is an effective and non-threatening warm-up to more challenging assessments. It is also a reliable tool to assess Visual-Motor development and may be used as a screener for neuropsychological impairment.
It is designed for use with both children and adults and is useful in identification of learning difficulties including:
Poor perceptual discrimination ability
Poor fine motor skills
Visual-motor integration problems
Weak organizational and planning skills
Attentional and impulsivity problems
Personality and behavioural characteristics, as exhibited by the drawing activities
Memory storage and retrieval problems
General maturation delays
Administration of the Bender-Gestalt II involves two phases: the Copy Phase and the Recall Phase. The examinee is shown stimulus cards with different designs. In the Copy Phase, the examinee is asked to copy each of the designs on a blank sheet of paper. In the Recall Phase, the examinee is asked to redraw the designs from memory.
In addition to the two phases, examiners are asked to record examinee behavior onto a Observation Form. The Observation Form contains areas for recording times and different types of test-taking behavior.
The Bender-Gestalt II includes two supplemental tests to provide a brief screening of specific motor and perceptual abilities. The purpose of these rests is to help understand low performance on the Bender-Gestalt II Copy and Recall phases by detecting the presence of motor or perceptual difficulties. The supplemental tests should be administered following the recall phase.
Bender-Gestalt II Complete Kit includes Stimulus Cards, Examiner\’s Manual, 25 Test Records, 25 Motor Test Booklets, and 25 Perception Test Booklets