Benton Visual Retention Test – Fifth Edition

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Benton Visual Retention Test – Fifth Edition Abigail Benton Sivan

  • Age Range: 19 to 83 years

  • Administration: Individual – 40 minutes 

  •  Assess visual perception, memory and visuoconstructive abilities

More than 50 years of proven clinical utility is the hallmark of Benton Visual Retention Test®. This test has proven its sensitivity to reading disabilities, nonverbal learning disabilities, traumatic brain injury, Attention-Deficit Disorder, Alzheimer\’s, and other forms of dementia. Besides easy administration, this test also features updated normative data, expanded scoring examples, and a detailed review of research conducted with the test.

This update of the Benton Visual Retention Test® assesses visual perception and visual constructional problems, with special features including:

  • Updated norms, including older adults

  • Easy to administer format, requiring little equipment

  • All 30 designs bound together in a single stimulus booklet

  • Template ensuring accurate scoring with expanded scoring examples

  • Review of clinical and research applications

Each of the 3 test forms consists of 10 designs presented one-by-one. The examinee reproduces the drawings in the Response Booklet-Record Form. The 3 alternate, equivalent forms of the Benton Visual Retention Test® allow for retesting while minimizing practice effects. Interrater scoring is highly reliable (r = .95 to .97).

Complete kit: Includes manual, stimulus booklet (all 30 designs), scoring template and 25 response booklets/record forms