Boehm Test of Basic Concepts – 3 Preschool (BOEHM-3 PRECHOOL)

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Boehm Test of Basic Concepts – 3 Preschool (BOEHM-3 PRECHOOL) Ann E Boehm

  • Age Range: 3 years to 5 years 11 months

  • Aministration: Individual – 20 to 30 minutes

  • Individually evaluate basic concept comprehension

This standardised test is designed to rapidly identify children who lack understanding of basic relational concepts and provide intervention sooner, increasing their chance of success in school. Measure concepts relevant to today\’s preschool and early childhood curriculum.

  • Quick and easy to administer and score.

  • Children respond favorably to the colourful stimulus materials.

  • Standardised and normed in the USA on a nationally representative sample of children.

  • Each concept is tested twice to determine the child\’s understanding of it across contexts.

Includes curriculum-based test summary, observation and intervention planning tool, a parent report form, and suggestions for modifying and adapting administration directions and testing materials for differently able children.

Complete kit: Includes examiner\’s manual, picture stimulus manual and pack of 25 record forms