Conners Comprehensive Behavior Rating Scales (Conners CBRS)

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Conners Comprehensive Behavior Rating Scales (Conners CBRS)

– Assess behaviours, emotions and academic problems

  • Author : C. Keith Conners, Ph.D.
  • Age Range
    • 6 to 18 years for teacher forms and parent forms
    • 8 to 18 years for self-report forms
  • Administration Time : 25 minutes
  • Administration Type
    • Parent-completed
    • Teacher-completed
    • Youth-completed

Conners Comprehensive Behavior Rating Scales (Conners CBRS™) is designed to provide a complete overview of child and adolescent concerns and disorders. Those working in the field of child and youth psychology can use the Conners CBRS to assess a wide spectrum of behaviors, emotions, academic, and social problems in today’s youth.

The Connors CBRS includes the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: Fifth Edition (DSM-5™), Symptom scales, Content scales, Other Clinical Indicators, Critical items, and Impairment items. The age range for this assessment is 6–18 for the parent and teacher forms, and 8–18 for the self-report forms.

 The Conners CBRS offers:

  • Direct and clear links to the DSM-5 and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act 2004 (IDEA 2004)
  • Straightforward administration, scoring and reports
  • Excellent reliability and validity
  • Spanish versions are available for parent and self-report forms

*DSM-IV-TR Scoring still available for online and software options.

The Conners CBRS is a comprehensive multi-informant tool that:

  • Assists in the diagnostic process
  • Identifies and qualifies students for inclusion or exclusion in special education/research studies
  • Assists in the development of intervention treatment plans
  • Monitors your patient’s response to intervention/treatment
  • Evaluates the effectiveness of intervention/treatment plans

How to Use the Assessment
The Conners Comprehensive Behavior Rating Scales is available in paper-and-pencil or computerized format. The parent forms (Conners CBRS–P), the teacher forms (Conners CBRS–T), and the self–report forms (Conners CBRS–SR) are available. In addition the Conners CBRS also includes an auxiliary scale: the Conners Clinical Index (Conners CI™). Assessment Reports and Progress Reports are also available to help gather and record information, summarize results, and facilitate discussion.

Conners CBRS DSM-5 Scoring Update

The Conners Comprehensive Behavior Rating Scales™ (Conners CBRS™) has been updated to provide a new scoring option for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition™ (DSM-5™) Symptom Scales.

The Conners CBRS now has the following two scoring options for the MHS Online Assessment Center and the MHS Scoring Software:


  1. DSM-IV-TR®: DSM Symptom Scale is scored based on diagnostic criteria in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fourth Edition Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR).
  2. DSM-5: DSM Symptom Scale is scored based on diagnostic criteria in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fifth Edition (DSM-5).

Scoring Software users can download the software by clicking on “Check for Updates” under the Help menu within the Scoring Software. The MHS Online Assessment Center system will be updated automatically. After the updates have been installed, users will have the option to choose to score with the DSM-IV-TR or DSM-5 criteria.


Conners CBRS Interpretive Update

Important refinements have been made to the Conners CBRS including: (1) Updated Validity scale guidelines with new language to better reflect the intent of the scales; (2) Refined T-score cutoff categories and category descriptions; (3) The Aggressive Behaviors scale name change to Defiant/Aggressive Behaviors in order to better reflect the item content; (4) Refined scoring procedure for the Violence Potential scale, and the scale name change to Violence Potential Indicator; and (5) Improved sensitivity for Other Clinical Indicator alerts.

•Emotional Distress
•Academic Difficulties
•Separation Fears
•Violence Potential Indicator
•Perfectionistic and Compulsive Behaviors
•Defiant/Agressive Behaviors
•Social Problems
•Physical Symptoms
•ADHD Hyperactive-Impulsive
•ADHD Inattentive
•ADHD Combined
•Generalized Anxiety Disorder
•Conduct Disorder
•Oppositional Defiant Disorder
•Manic Episode
•Major Depressive Disorder
•Depressive Episode, with mixed features
•Manic Episode, with mixed features
•Separation Anxiety Disorder
•Social Anxiety Disorder
•Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
•Autistism Spectrum Disorder

*DSM-IV-TR Scoring still available for online and software options.

Conners CBRS –Parent (Conners CBRS –P)
The Conners CBRS parent forms assess behaviors, emotions, academic, and social problems in children from the age of 6–18. The form is available in one comprehensive length and is recommended for initial evaluations and complete re-evaluations. When used in conjunction with teacher ratings, differences between home and school are highlighted.

Conners CBRS –Teacher (Conners CBRS –T)
The Conners CBRS teacher forms assess behaviors, emotions, academic, and social problems in children from 6–18 years old. This version provides comprehensive results, and is recommended for initial evaluations and complete re-evaluations. When used with the parent form, differences between home and school are highlighted.

Conners CBRS –Self-Report (Conners CBRS –SR)
The Connors CBRS self-report forms measure behaviors, emotions, and academic  problems in children 8–18 years old. This version provides comprehensive results, and is recommended for initial evaluations and comprehensive re-evaluations.

Conners Clinical Index (Conners CI™)
Available separately as a standalone form, the Conners CI forms are useful as a quick screening and pre-evaluation instrument to see if further evaluation is warranted in one of the following areas: Disruptive Behavior Disorders, Mood Disorders, Anxiety Disorders, Learning and Language Disorders, and ADHD. The Conners CI can also assist in planning and monitoring treatment / intervention. The Connors CI is available as part of the Conners CBRS.


Conners CBRS Software Kit (CBRS18)
Manual, Unlimited-Use Scoring Program, 25 Item Booklets for each of Conners CBRS-P, Conners CBRS-T, and Conners CBRS-SR

Conners CBRS Scoring Software Program – USB Key (CBRS19)
Unlimited Use Scoring Program