Conners Early Childhood (Conners EC)
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Conners Early Childhood (Conners EC)
Author : C. Keith Conners, Ph.D.
Age Range : 26
Administration Time:
Conners Early Childhood: 25 minutes
Conners Early Childhood Developmental Milestones: 10 to 15 minutes
Conners Early Childhood Behavior: 15 minutes
Conners Early Childhood Behavior Short: 10 minutes
Conners Early Childhood Global Index: 5 minutes
Administration Type
Teacher/childcare provider-completed
Conners EC, released in 2009, assesses behavior for preschool-aged children 2 to 6. The Conners EC is the result of five years of intensive product research and development. Child psychologists, clinicians, pediatricians, and child psychiatrists can rely on the Conners EC to help them identify when early intervention is required. The Conners EC is an innovative psychological instrument designed to assess the concerns of parents and teachers/childcare providers about preschool-aged children. This instrument aids in the early identification of behavioral, social, and emotional problems. The Conners EC also assists in measuring whether or not the child is appropriately meeting major developmental milestones (Adaptive Skills, Communication, Motor Skills, Play, and Pre-Academic/Cognitive).
This tool provides information that may be useful to consider when determining whether or not a child is eligible for early intervention or special education and related services under current U.S. federal statutes, such as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act 2004 (IDEA 2004).
Professionals will benefit from the following features of the Conners EC:
Multi-informant (parent and teacher/childcare provider) assessment allows for easy comparison of scores across raters
Full-length, Short, Behavior, Developmental Milestones, and Global Index forms
Spanish versions
Validity scales
Clear and direct links to the IDEA 2004
Excellent reliability and validity
Easy administration, scoring, and results interpretation
How to Use the Assessment The Conners EC instrument includes multiple components that can all be administered using online and paper-and-pencil formats. All forms can be scored online or using scoring software. The Conners Early Childhood Global Index (Conners EC GI) can be administered and scored with the QuikScore form. It can also be administered and scored online and scored using scoring software.
Scales & Forms Behavior Scales
Defiant/Aggressive Behaviors
Social Functioning/Atypical Behaviors
Mood and Affect
Physical Symptoms
Developmental Milestone Scales
Adaptive Skills
Motor Skills
Conners Early ChildhoodParent (Conners ECP) & Conners Early ChildhoodTeacher/Childcare Provider (Conners ECT)
The Conners Early Childhood forms are available for use by both parents (Conners ECP, 190 items) and teachers/childcare providers (Conners ECT, 186 items). These forms the Behavior Scales, Developmental Milestone Scales, Other Clinical Indicators, Connors Early Childhood Global Index, Validity Scales, Impairment Items, and Additional Questions. These forms are most appropriately used in initial evaluations, and can also be used for follow-up evaluation and treatment monitoring. The Conners Early Childhood parent and teacher/childcare provider forms convey detailed information and provide a comprehensive view of the childs functioning in terms of both problem behaviors and developmental milestones.
Conners Early Childhood Developmental MilestonesParent (Conners EC DMP) & Conners EC Developmental MilestonesTeacher/Childcare Provider (Conners EC DMT)
The Conners Early Childhood Developmental Milestones forms are available to both parents (Conners EC DMP, 80 items) and teachers/childcare providers (Conners Early Childhood DMT, 74 items).
The Conners Early Childhood Developmental Milestones parent and teacher/childcare provider forms include the Developmental Milestones, Impairment Items, and Additional Questions. The forms are available as separate standalone forms and are helpful for follow-up purposes, when there are concerns regarding attainment of milestones.
Conners Early Childhood BehaviorParent (Conners EC BEHP) & Conners Early Childhood BehaviorTeacher/Childcare Provider (Conners EC BEHT)
The Conners Early Childhood Behavior forms are available for parents (Conners Early Childhood BEHP, 115 items) and teachers/childcare providers (Connors Early Childhood BEHT, 116 items). These forms are appropriate for initial evaluations, but can also be used to monitor progress. These forms are useful when there are only concerns regarding a childs behavior, and developmental milestones have been met. The Conners Early Childhood Behavior parent and teacher childcare provider forms include all of the Behavior Scales, Other Clinical Indicators, the Conners Early Childhood Global Index, Validity Scales, Impairment Items, and Additional Questions.
Conners Early Childhood BehaviorParent Short [Conners EC BEHP(S)] & Conners Early Childhood BehaviorTeacher/Childcare Provider Short [Conners EC BEHT(S)]
The Conners Early Childhood Behavior parent and teacher childcare provider short forms comprise subsets of items from the Conners Early Childhood Behavior form. The Conners Early Childhood BEHP(S) form consists of 49 items, and the the Conners Early Childhood BEHT(S) form has 48 items. In addition to the Behavior Scales, both forms include Positive Impression and Negative Impression Validity Scales, as well as the Additional Questions. The wording of items on the short forms is identical to that on the full-length Behavior forms. The short forms are useful when administration of the full-length version is not possible or practical (e.g., due to limited time or when multiple administrations over time are desired).
Conners Early Childhood Global IndexParent (Conners EC GIP) & Conners Early Childhood Global IndexTeacher/Childcare Provider (Conners EC GIT)
The Conners Early Childhood includes two 10-item indices, to be completed by parents and teachers/childcare providersthe Conners EC GIP and the Conners EC GIT. This component is available both in online and paper-and-pencil formats. The Conners Early Childhood GI can also be handscored with QuikScore forms. Scoring software is available for use with the Conners Early Childhood GI.
The Conners EC GIP and the Conners EC GIT are quick and effective measures of general psychopathology and helpful tools for monitoring treatment and preschool intervention. The Conners EC GIP and the Conners EC GIT are embedded in the full-length Conners Early Childhood forms or can be purchased separately.
Both of these indices include the 10 highest loading items from the original Conners Parent and Teacher Rating Scales (Conners, 1989, 1997) with updated normative data.