Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System (D-KEFS)

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Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System (D-KEFS) Dean C Delis, Edith Kaplan and Joel H Kramer

  • Age Range: 8 to 89 years

  • Administration: Individual -90 minutes 

  •  Assess key components of executive functions

The tests, administered as a complete set to both children and adults in 90 minutes, or individually in varying timeframes, assess vital executive functions such as flexibility of thinking, inhibition, problem solving, planning, impulse control, concept formation, abstract thinking, and creativity in both verbal and spatial modalities.

Use D-KEFS™ results to

  • Assess the integrity of the frontal system of the brain

  • Determine how deficits in abstract, creative thinking may impact upon an individual’s daily life

  • Plan coping strategies and rehabilitation programmes tailored to each patient’s profile of executive-function strengths and weaknesses.

D-KEFS™ is the first set of standardised tests to evaluate higher-level cognitive functions in individuals as young as 8 years old. While IQ and basic achievement tests are vital for assessing certain domains of cognitive abilities, they do not provide information about what are arguably a child’s most important cognitive abilities, the capacity to engage in creative, abstract thinking. D-KEFS™ allows you to identify and then address executive function deficits in children who perform well on IQ and achievement tests.

D-KEFS™ is individually administered, and its game-like format is designed to be interesting and engaging for examinees, encouraging optimal performance without providing “right/wrong” feedback that can create frustration in some children and adults tests, with alternate versions for three of the tests that are most susceptible to practice effects; D-KEFS™ Sorting, Verbal Fluency and 20 Questions Tests.

D-KEFS™ is correlated with the Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence™(WASI) and the California Verbal Learning-Second Edition (CVLT-II), providing information concerning the role of intellectual ability and memory on D-KEFS™ performance.

Complete kit: Includes manual, stimulus booklet, sorting cards (3 sets of 6 cards), 1 tower stand with 5 colour disks, 25 record forms, 25 design fluency response booklets, 25 trail making response booklet sets (each set contains 5 response booklets for the 5 trail making conditions) in a bag