Dyslexia Screening Test – Secondary (DST-S)
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Dyslexia Screening Test – Secondary (DST-S) Dr Angela Fawcett and Professor Rod Nicolson
Age Range: 11 years 6 months to 16 years 5 months
Administration: Individual – 30 minutes
Identify children in secondary school who are at risk of dyslexia
The revised Dyslexia Screening Test now covers primary and secondary school-aged children in two seperate assessments. The division of the DST into two tests, DST – Junior and DST – Secondary, include extra subtests which are particularly relevant to the age group.
The DST-S provides a profile of strengths and weaknesses which can be used to guide the development of in-school support for the child.
The DST-S is designed to identify those children who are still experiencing difficulties at secondary school and provides data which can be used in support of requesting extra time concessions in exams.
The DST-S replaces the best selling DST and reflects changes in theory and practice since this initial publication with additional subtests, validation studies and case histories and scoring software.
The DST-S cosists of the following subtests:
Rapid Naming
Bead Threading
One Minute Reading
Postural Stability
Phonemic Segmentation
Two Minute Spelling
Backwards Digit Span
Nonsense Passage Reading
One Minute Reading
Verbal Fluency
Semantic Fluency
Non-verbal Reasoning
Complete kit: Includes examiner\’s manual, envelope 1 (containing 10 subtest cards and sample permission letter), envelope 2 (containing score keys), balance tester, blindfold, beads, cord, backwards digit span tape, scoring software and 50 score sheets in a carry case