Functional Communication Profile – Revised (FCP-R)

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Functional Communication Profile – Revised (FCP-R)

by Larry I. Kleiman

Ages: 3-Adult   Grades: PreK-Adult

This descriptive assessment tool is a sensible and organized method of evaluating communication skills in individuals across age ranges with developmental and acquired delays. It is appropriate for clients in any setting, including schools, intermediate care facilities, and hospitals.

The FCP-R is a comprehensive guide in which you assess and rate your clients on the major skill categories of communication, regardless of form of communication (sign, non-verbal, augmentative). In addition to the full spectrum of communication disorders, the FCP-R is especially relevant for clients diagnosed with autism or PDD. You’ll target practical skills that individuals with developmental and acquired delays encounter daily.

The manual includes detailed descriptions and definitions of each of the targeted communication skills and behaviors, and suggestions on how to gather information.

There is no scoring system, but the profile gives you an overall inventory of skills and provides a thorough picture of your client’s communicative abilities, allowing for variables in client ability, severity of impairment, mode of communication, and degree of independence vs. assistance or prompting.

You can administer the profile over several sessions. The total testing time ranges from 45-90 minutes, depending on client variables.

The restricted use of professional jargon makes the FCP-R information easy to share with caregivers and other service providers.

The summary portion on the profile synthesizes client strengths and weaknesses, recommendations and strategies, and integration of objectives to help you prepare a complete, comprehensive report suitable for fulfillment of mandated Title 22 and educational federal or local reporting requirements.

(FCP-R) includes evaluation in the following areas:

  • Sensory/Motor/ Behavior These sections are grouped together and include these items: hearing, auditory localization, vision, eye contact, visual tracking, visual inspecting, grasp, self-help skills, head and trunk positioning, gross motor, acceptance of physical guidance, motor imitation, and inappropriate behavior.

  • Attentiveness Items include: attention span, distractibility, alertness, response rate, awareness of others, awareness of environmental events, and cooperation.

  • Receptive Language Items include: native language, languages understood, oral comprehension, understanding of basic concepts, response to name and attention commands, looks at pictures, accepts objects presented, gives objects to speaker, routine and environmental commands; nonverbal comprehension, object identification and two-dimensional recognition.

  • Expressive Language Items include: languages expressed, verbal status, expressive level, methods of communication, self-expression, quality of self-expression, object interaction, appropriate object use, cause and effect, descriptive language, basic communication expression, common gestures, grammar, vocabulary, and phrase length.

  • Pragmatic/Social Language Items include: communication intent, initiates communication, answers questions, asks questions, conversational skills, communication partners, conversation topics, turn-taking, topic initiation, maintenance and elaboration, cause-effect reasoning, sharing personal data, appropriateness of communication, discussion skills, reading/literacy, writing/spelling, and memory.

  • Speech Items include: intelligibility, adjusting speech to improve understanding, sound production, dentition, articulators, and oral-motor imitation.

  • Voice Items include: loudness, vocal quality, and pitch.

  • Oral Items include: mouth breathing, drooling, tongue thrust, and swallowing and diet.

  • Fluency Items include: fluency, rate of speech, and rhythm and intonation.

  • Non-oral Communication Items include: use of sign language, meaning of signs, level of signs, sample signs, two-dimensional expression, expression of yes/no, effectiveness of current system, and fine-motor abilities.

There is no better way to assimilate all of the information you need to obtain a comprehensive profile of your clients’ communication skills. The FCP-R gives you the best overall picture of your clients’ communication abilities and makes report and IEP writing thorough and easy.

FCP-R Reporting Software gives you the option of filling out the FCP-R form on your computer. You’ll never need to buy profile forms again.

Complete set: examiner\’s manual, package of 15 profile forms