House-Tree-Person (H-T-P) Projective Drawing Technique
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House-Tree-Person (H-T-P) Projective Drawing Technique John N. Buck, W.L. Warren, Ph.D., Isaac Jolles, L. Stanley Wenck, Ed.D.
The House-Tree-Person (H-T-P), developed by John N. Buck, is one of the most distinguished and widely used projectives. The H-T-P is popular not only because it yields abundant clinical information but also because it saves time and is easy to use.
The H-T-P can be administered to anyone over the age of 3. The subject simply produces three drawingsof a house, a tree, and a person. Then he or she is given the opportunity to describe, define, and interpret these drawings.
Because drawing can reduce tension in testing situations, the H-T-P is often administered as the first in a battery of psychodiagnostic tests. It is an ideal way to assess personality in individuals who are culturally different, educationally deprived, developmentally disabled, or non-English-speaking. H-T-P drawings are highly sensitive to the presence of psychopathologyearly in its development.
The H-T-P is a nonthreatening way to obtain clinically useful information.
SET: Includes 1 copy of The House-Tree-Person Projective Drawing Technique: Manual and Interpretive Guide; 1 copy of House-Tree-Person Drawings: An Illustrated Diagnostic Handbook; 1 copy of Catalog for the Qualitative Interpretation of the House-Tree-Person (H-T-P); 25 H-T-P Interpretation Booklets; 25 H-T-P Drawing Forms.