Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement, Third Edition (KTEA-3)
9999 in stock
Overview: Individually administered battery that provides in-depth assessment of key academic skills.
Qualification Level: B
Age Range: Individuals 4:0–25:11
Administration: Paper-and-pencil
Completion Time: 15-85 min for ASB Composite
Scores/Interpretation: Age- and grade-based standard scores (M = 100, SD = 15), age and grade equivalents, percentile ranks, normal curve equivalents (NCEs), stanines, and Growth Scale Value (GSV)
Empower all your students to succeed and receive a deeper understanding of achievement gaps with the new KTEA-3. This comprehensive assessment of key academic skills maintains all the important features of the KTEA-II and offers a wealth of exciting updates for targeted interventions.
Users & Applications
Special education teachers, school psychologists, educational diagnosticians, and other professionals use this tool to help:
- Evaluate academic skills in reading, math, written language, and oral language
- Measure progress or response to intervention and adjust instruction based on performance
- Identify learning disabilities on a core level
Content & Administration
- Phonological Processing (PP)
- Math Concepts & Applications (MCA)
- Letter & Word Recognition (LWR)
- Math Computation (MC)
- Nonsense Word Decoding (NWD)
- Writing Fluency (WF)
- Silent Reading Fluency (SRF)
- Math Fluency (MF)
- Reading Comprehension (RC)
- Written Expression (WE)
- Associational Fluency (AF)
- Spelling (SP)
- Object Naming Facility (ONF)
- Reading Vocabulary (RV)
- Letter Naming Facility (LNF)
- Listening Comprehension (LC)
- Word Recognition Fluency (WRF)
- Oral Expression (OE)
- Decoding Fluency (DF)
Features & Benefits
- New norms for ages 4:0 through 25:11 and for grades pre-K through 12
- Mapping to Common Core Standards to assist with compliancy issues
- Behavioral checklist to look at how the child responds during testing
- Lower age range to age 4 and preschool norms to identify issues earlier
- Scoring and reporting on Q-global
- Intervention suggestions for parents and teachers to expand the effectiveness of your evaluation
- Easy to administer, score, and interpret
- Coverage of all IDEA and National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)
- Novel tasks to motivate low-functioning students
- Alternate forms and Growth Scale Value (GSV) to easily measure progress
- Enhanced error analysis procedures for more precise intervention
Psychometric Information
- All new normative data collected from July 2011 through July 2013
- Age-norm sample includes 3,000 individuals aged 4:0–25:11
- Grade norms are based on 2,600 students in Grades PreK–12
KTEA-3 Form A Kit #32400
Includes Administration Manual, Scoring Manual, 2 Stimulus Books, USB Flash Drive (contains Technical Manual, Audio Files, Scoring Keys, Hand Scoring Forms, Letter Checklist, Qualitative Observations Form, Error Analysis Forms), Form A Record Forms (25), Form A Response Booklet (25), 3 Form A Written Expression booklets (2 each), soft-sided carrying bag.
KTEA-3 Form B Kit #32401
Includes Administration Manual, Scoring Manual, 2 Stimulus Books, USB Flash Drive (contains Technical Manual, Audio Files, Scoring Keys, Hand Scoring Forms, Letter Checklist, Qualitative Observations Form, Error Analysis Forms), Form B Record Forms (25), Form B Response Booklet (25), 3 Form B Written Expression booklets (2 each), soft-sided carrying bag.