Learning Efficiency Test-II (LET-II)*
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Learning Efficiency Test-II (LET-II) Raymond E. Webster
- Visual & Auditory Memory/Sequencing
- Ages 5 through Adult (75+) <LI.INDIVIDUAL Administration
- Norm Referenced
The LET-II provides a quick and reliable measure of visual and auditory information processing characteristics and is useful in determining information processing deficits that may be related to learning problems. Performance on the LET-II yields information about a persons preferred modality for learning, the impact of verbal interference on memory storage and retrieval, and the kinds of metacognitive strategies used during learning. The test also identifies the presence of global memory deficits, modality-specific memory deficits, or sequential organization deficits that interfere with successful learning. The LET-II has been shown to be useful in:
- Identifying learning problems related to characteristics of memory;
- Assessing the effects of physical injury on cognitive functioning;
- Evaluating memory loss in aging adults;
- Developing specific individualized educational programs for atypical learners.
The revised edition features new norms expanded to include adults age 75 years and older and an improved record form and scoring system. The LETII manual contains expanded and detailed sections on scoring using pattern analysis, relevant and updated literature on the aptitude-treatment interaction model and modality effects during learning, and several case studies with assessment results characteristic of different diagnosed conditions. Additionally, the manual contains specific remediation activities for use with persons showing various kinds of information processing deficits. Administration and ScoringThe LET-II can be administered in 1015 minutes. Strings of two to nine non-rhyming letters are presented either visually or orally. Memory is assessed in two modalities (visual and auditory) and in three recall conditions (immediate recall, short-term recall, and long-term recall). The six subtest scores can be collapsed into Modality Scores and a Global Memory Score. Scores can be converted into standard scores and percentiles for comparison with other tests. Sequenced and non-sequenced scores are also obtained. Test Kit (Manual, Stimulus Cards, 50 Record Forms, in vinyl folder)