McCarron-Dial Evaluation System (MDS)

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McCarron-Dial Evaluation System (MDS)

The McCarron Dial Systems identify relative strengths and needs in up to five areas of functioning

  • for Vocational Evaluation (Community, Supported, and/or Sheltered Employment)
  • for Neuropsychological Evaluation
  • for the Blind/Visually Impaired
  • for Transition Planning/School-to-Work
  • for Early Childhood

– Verbal-Cognitive Language, Learning Ability and Achievement – Sensory Perceiving and Experiencing the Environment – Motor Muscle Strength, Speed and Accuracy of Movement, Balance and Coordination – Emotional Response to Interpersonal and Environmental Stress – Integration-Coping Adaptive Behavior

Assessment batteries provide data from these five factors which may be used to estimate the appropriate program level for serving individuals in a preschool, transitional planning, prevocational or vocational setting. Computer programs are available for quantifying/analyzing data and providing various reports ranging from recommendations for educational management to job placement. Individual educational, vocational, remediation and/or accommodation plans may be drafted by considering relative strengths and needs among the five factors. A comparative analysis of the individual’s performance on the five factors can be made to normative references.

A Systematic Approach to Vocational, Educational & Neuropsychological Assessment

Identifies relative strengths and weaknesses in five areas of functioning: verbal-spatial-cognitive, sensory, motor, emotional and adaptive behavior. The three components of the MDS (#’s S102, S103 & S104) are listed below and may be purchased separately.


This component consists of the MDS manual, PPVT, Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test, and one package each of the Observational Emotional Inventory, Emotional Behavioral Checklist, Behavior Rating Scale, Individual Evaluation Profile and Individual Program Plan. The materials are packaged in a convenient carrying case.


The HVDT consists of photographic plates representing various objects to be identified by the examinee; a folding screen (to obscure objects from the examinee’s field of vision); sets of shapes, sizes, textures and configurations; one package of HVDT Score Forms; and the test manual. The HVDT case includes an insert which arranges the test items in order of presentation.


The MAND includes the test manual, one package of MAND Score Forms, hand dynamometer, stopwatch-timer, walking line and specially designed components for measuring fine and gross motor functions. All of the MAND items are contained in a sturdy carrying case.