Mullen Scales of Early Learning

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Mullen Scales of Early Learning Eileen M. Mullen

  • Ages: Birth to 68 months

  • Administration Time: 15 minutes (1 year); 25-35 minutes (3 years); 40-60 minutes (5 years)

  • Scores/Interpretation: Scales: T scores, percentile ranks, age equivalents; Composite: standard scores, percentile ranks


A developmentally integrated system that assesses language, motor, and perceptual abilities.


  • Five scales provide a complete picture of cognitive and motor ability

  • Pinpoints strengths and weaknesses

  • Ideal for assessing school readiness

  • Measure cognitive ability and motor development

Quick and easy to administer, the Mullen Scales of Early Learning AGS Edition gives you:

  • Five scales: Gross Motor, Visual Reception, Fine Motor, Expressive Language, and Receptive Language

  • Excellent standardization and reliability data

  • Easy profile analysis

  • An array of stimulating manipulatives and materials

  • Scale scores and an Early Learning Composite

Generates reliable and valid information

  • Identifies a child\’s strengths and weaknesses

  • Assesses early intellectual development and readiness for school

  • Provides a foundation for successful interventions

Computer software includes developmental learning activities

Measurement is even easier with Mullen ASSIST™ computer software. It calculates and converts raw scores for accurate information and easy interpretation. It also provides suggestions for developmentally appropriate tasks that help parents plan learning activities for their children from the You and Your Small Wonder books by Merle Karnes. The Mullen ASSIST provides:

  • Personal Information Summary

  • Score summary

  • T score profile

  • Early Learning Composite

  • Score narrative

  • Recommended activities

Complete early childhood evaluation

Use the Mullen Scales of Early Learning with the Vineland Social-Emotional Early Childhood Scales to assess all the areas required for early childhood evaluation.