NAB Naming Test

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NAB Naming TestRobert A. Stern, PhD and Travis White, PhD

  • Purpose:  Evaluates an individual\’s naming abilities and facilitates identification of aphasia
  • Age Range:  18-97 years
  • Admin:  Individual
  • Time:  10-15 minutes

Formerly available only as part of the NAB Language Module, the NAB Naming Test now is available as a stand-alone assessment. This instrument is designed to highlight deficits in visual confrontation naming skills and to identify aphasia. Additionally, it may be helpful in evaluating progress in aphasic patients undergoing rehabilitation. The examinee is shown a series of images and asked to name the object in the picture. The assessment uses digital photographs rather than line drawings, resulting in greater ecological validity.

  • Brief, 31-item assessment quickly provides necessary information.
  • A detailed Record Form guides the examiner through semantic and phonemic cueing, if necessary, to further evaluate the patient\’s abilities.
  • An equivalent parallel form reduces the likelihood of practice effects and allows for repeat testing, making the NAB Naming Test ideal for use in speech/language and/or rehabilitation settings where progress is monitored over the course of treatment.
  • A new stand-alone Professional Manual contains information regarding the NAB Naming Test\’s background, administration, interpretation, standardization, reliability, and validity.
  • The NAB Naming Test was standardized using a large, demographically corrected normative sample.
  • The incorporation of digital photographs enhances the ecological validity of the instrument by providing visual depictions that appear more realistic than the line drawings used by similar instruments.

NAB Naming Test Combination Kit–Forms 1 and 2 includes NAB Naming Test Professional Manual, 25 NAB Naming Test Form 1 Record Forms, 25 NAB Naming Test Form 2 Record Forms, 1 NAB Naming Test Form 1 Stimulus Book, and 1 NAB Naming Test Form 2 Stimulus Book