Neurobehavioral Functioning Inventory (NFI)
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Neurobehavioral Functioning Inventory (NFI) Jeffery S Kreutzer, Ronals T Seel and Jennifer H Marwitz
Age Range: 17 to 80 years
Administration: Individual – 30 minutes
This is a multipurpose, self-report instrument that is appropriate for a variety of information gathering needs with patients suffering from neurological disorders, and their carers. The 76 items are organised into 6 independent scales reflecting symptoms and problems commonly encountered following the onset of neurological disability:
Somatic Complaints
Motor Problems
The everyday living problems highlighted by the NFI can be contrasted with performance on neuropsychological tests. Furthermore, by enabling comparisons to be made between the patient\’s and carer\’s perspectives, issues relating to self-awareness and insight can be addressed. In this way, the NFI helps to focus on the quality of life concerns of patients and their families, thus allowing for effective treatment planning and clinical intervention.
Complete kit: Includes manual, 25 family record forms and 25 patient record forms