Raven’s Progressive Matrices

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Raven\’s Progressive Matrices J.C. Raven

Get an accurate assessment of nonverbal abilities with Raven\’s Progressive Matrices. Offering test forms for three ability levels, the Raven\’s measures eductive ability—the capacity to make sense of complex situations, draw meaning out of confusion, and perceive and think clearly. It is among the few intelligence tests that detect \”sub-optimal performance\” or \”faking bad.\”

The Coloured Progressive Matrices (CPM) is the easiest of the three forms. It may be used with young children (ages 5 to 11 years), mentally-impaired adolescents, and the elderly. It is often administered individually, although most children over age 7 can take the test in small groups. Untimed, it requires 15 to 30 minutes.

The Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) is an \”average\” level test that can be used with 6- through 16-year-olds. It includes five sets of 12 problems each, is untimed, and usually requires about 45 minutes. A \”Plus\” version contains more difficult items while retaining the 60-item format. Developed for older adolescents and young adults who score near the ceiling on the original SPM, the SPM-Plus restores discriminative power at the upper end. (The SPM-Plus is not included in the comprehensive Set or in the SPM Kit.)

The Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM), the most difficult version, is designed for people of above-average intellectual ability, ages 12 and up. It includes two Sets of matrices: Set I (12 problems) is used as a practice and screening test for Set II (36 problems). Untimed, the APM requires 40 to 60 minutes.

Parallel Versions of the CPM, SPM, and SPM-Plus are also available. Because item difficulty and score distributions match those of the original versions, you can use normative data with confidence when you are administering these parallel forms.

Coloured Progressive Matrices Kit: Includes overview Manual, CPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet

Standard Progressive Matrices Kit: Includes overview Manual, SPM Section Manual (admin and scoring), pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets and 1 Test Booklet

Advanced Progressive Matrices Kit: Includes overview Manual, APM Admin and scoring Manual, pack of 10 EasyScore answer sheets, 1 x test booklet Set 1 and 1 x test booklet Set 2