Receptive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test – 2000 Edition (ROWPVT)*
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Receptive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test – 2000 Edition (ROWPVT) Rick Brownell – Editor
Speech/Language: Receptive
Ages 2 through 18
Individual Administration
Norm Referenced
The Receptive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test (ROWPVT) is an individually administered, norm-referenced test that provides an assessment of an individuals English hearing vocabulary. It is standardized for use with individuals ages 2-0 through 18-11.
This edition of the ROWPVT includes national norms based on a representative sample of more than 2,000 individuals residing in the United States. The test has also been conormed with the Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test (EOWPVT) so that meaningful comparisons can be easily made between an individuals receptive and expressive language. Other notable changes to this edition include the addition and replacement of many test items as well as the rendering of all illustrations in full color with drawings that are easy to interpret and that better hold the examinees interest.
Administration and ScoringTo administer the test, the examiner presents a series of test plates that each show four illustrations. The examiner orally presents a stimulus word, and the examinee must identify the illustration that depicts the meaning of the word. The test begins at a point at which the examinee is expected to meet with success in identifying the meaning of each word. The examiner then presents items that become progressively more difficult. When the examinee is unable to correctly identfy the meaning of a specified number of items, testing is discontinued. Total time for administration and scoring is typically 15 to 20 minutes. Raw scores can be converted to standard scores, percentile ranks, and age equivalents.
The components of the complete ROWPVT include the manual, a series of test plates bound in a spiral booklet with a fold-out easel, and a package of record forms.
Test Kit (Manual, Test Plates, 25 EnglishRecord Forms, in vinyl folder)