Reynolds Adaptable Intelligence Test (RAIT)

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Cecil R. Reynolds, PhD 

  • Purpose:  Assess crystallized, fluid, and quantitative intelligence
  • Age range:  10 to 75 years
  • Admin:  Individual or group
  • Admin time:  50 minutes for full battery; 30 minutes for crystallized and fluid subtests only
  • Qualification level:  B

The RAIT is a rapid, reliable, and valid intelligence test designed for group or individual administration. Unlike many similiar measures, the RAIT can be administered via computer.

Features and benefits

  • Composed of seven subtests that assess crystallized intelligence, fluid intelligence, and quantitative aptitude or intelligence.
  • Designed to provide continuity of measurement across a wide age span.
  • Requires minimal reading skill and almost no motor coordination and visual-motor skill, reducing the complications that can occur when manipulated objects (e.g., blocks) are used to assess intelligence.
  • Administration and scoring are also available through PARiConnect; this digital version allows you to administer the full battery (i.e., all seven subtests) or the abbreviated battery (i.e., crystallized and fluid subtests only) and automatically calculates a measure of effort.

Test structure

  • Print and digital versions are statistically equivalent—so you can confidently assess groups or individuals using a computer or traditional paper and pencil. This flexibility makes the RAIT a viable option for use in schools, juvenile and adult justice systems, clinical settings, and human resource and related industrial settings.
  • Two total scores are available based on the subtests administered: The Total Battery Intelligence Index includes quantitative intelligence subtests, and the Total Intelligence Index does not.
  • The Score Summary Form allows you to track examinees’ scores over multiple administrations, to calculate reliable change indexes, and to calculate discrepancy scores.

Technical information

  • Standardized on a 2010-Census-matched sample of 2,124 individuals.
  • Multiple types of scores are provided, including z scores, normal curve equivalents, stanines, percentiles, and, for the younger ages, age equivalents.
  • Validity was investigated using individuals from several clinical groups, including individuals with intellectual disability, TBI, stroke, dementia, learning disability, hearing impairment, ADHD, and those who were considered gifted.
  • An investigation of RAIT scores’ relationship to examinees’ occupational industries and job complexity levels revealed expected patterns, with median Total Battery Intelligence Index scores increasing as industry moved from physically oriented occupations to business-oriented occupations and as job complexity level increased.

RAIT Introductory Kit
includes RAIT Professional Manual and Fast Guide, 10 Item Booklets, 25 Answer Sheets, Set of 2 Scoring Keys, and 25 Score Summary Forms


SKU: 26472689