School Function Assessment (SFA)
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School Function Assessment (SFA) Wendy J Coster, Theresa Deeney, Jane T Haltiwanger and Stephen M Haley
Age Range: 5 to 12 years
Administration: Individual – Individual scales may be completed in 5 to 10 minutes
Evaluate and monitor a student\’s performance of functional tasks and activities
The School Function Assessment (SFA) provides you with a structured method to evaluate and monitor a student\’s performance of functional tasks and activities that support his or her participation in school. It was designed to facilitate collaborative programme planning for children with a variety of disabling conditions and is appropriate for use with students from 5 to 12 years.
The SFA contains three parts:
Part I – Participation is used to rate the student\’s participation in six major school activity settings – regular or special education classroom, playground/recess, transportation, bathroom/toileting, transitions, and mealtime/snack time.
Part II – Task Supports is used to rate the assistance and adaptations currently provided to the student for both physical and cognitive/behavioural tasks. Physical Tasks include travel, maintaining and changing positions, recreational movement, manipulation with movement, using materials, setup and cleanup, eating and drinking, hygiene, clothing management, up/down stairs, written work, and computer and equipment use. Cognitive/Behavioural Tasks include functional communication, memory and understanding, following social conventions, compliance with adult directives and school rules, task behaviour/completion, positive interaction, behaviour regulation, personal care awareness, and safety.
Part III – Activity Performance is used to examine the student\’s performance of specific school-related functional activities in each of the task areas assessed globally in Part II. The items of each of these scales are written in measurable, behavioural terms that can be used directly in the student\’s individual educational plan. All ratings are assigned based on the student\’s typical or most consistent level of performance as compared to other students of the same grade. Criterion cut-off scores are provided to help establish eligibility for special services.
Complete kit: Includes user\’s manual, 25 record forms and 3 rating scale guides