Sensory Profile 2 (SP-2)

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Winnie Dunn, PhD, OTR, FAOTA 

  • Overview:  Standardized forms completed by caregivers and teachers to assess children’s sensory processing patterns
  • Qualification Level: B
  • Age Range:  Birth–14:11
  • Other Languages:  Spanish
  • Administration:  Paper-and-pencil or online administration
  • Completion Time:  5–20 minutes
  • Scoring Options:  Q-global (web-based) or manual scoring
  • Publication Date:  2014

The Sensory Profile™ 2 family of assessments provides you with standardized tools to help evaluate a child's sensory processing patterns in the context of home, school, and community-based activities. These significantly revised questionnaires evaluate a child's unique sensory processing patterns from a position of strengths, providing deeper insight to help you customize the next steps of intervention. The forms are completed by caregivers and teachers, who are in the strongest position to observe the child's response to sensory interactions that occur throughout the day.

Uses and Applications

The Sensory Profile 2 helps you:

  • Identify and document how sensory processing may be contributing to or interfering with a child's participation at home, school, and the community.
  • Contribute valuable information to a comprehensive assessment of the child's sensory strengths and challenges in context.
  • Develop effective treatment plans, interventions, and everyday remediation strategies

Content & Administration

Using paper-and-pencil or online administration, caregivers and teachers report on the child's response to sensory events throughout the day using the relevant form(s):

  • Infant Sensory Profile 2: Caregiver questionnaire for babies from Birth–6 months.
  • Toddler Sensory Profile 2: Caregiver questionnaire for toddlers ages 7–35 months.
  • Child Sensory Profile 2: Caregiver questionnaire for children ages 3–14 years.
  • Short Sensory Profile 2: Caregiver questionnaire for children ages 3–14 years. Items on this questionnaire, which are drawn from the Child Sensory Profile 2, are highly discriminating and provide quick information for screening and research programs.
  • School Companion Sensory Profile 2: Teacher questionnaire for students ages 3–14 years.
  • Spanish Caregiver Forms: For Infant, Toddler, Child, and Short questionnaires in paper-and-pencil or online format.

Features & Benefits

  • Combined questionnaire and score forms, no need to purchase separate forms.
  • Expanded age range in one kit – The child, Short, and School Companion forms age increased to 14:11, giving you more flexibility in assessing preteens and younger teens.
  • Shorter questionnaires – The Infant, Child, School Companion, and Short form  questionnaires are briefer. The toddler questionnaire increased by just a few items, reflecting increased understanding of sensory processing at this age.
  • Updated content and greater item consistency between forms.
  • No need to purchase separate kits with Infant, Toddler, Child, Short, and School Companion forms combined in to one manual.
  • Provides cut scores with optional percentiles for an additional level of analysis.
  • More convenience with online or paper-and-pencil administration and scoring to fit with your workflow.
  • Wide range of studies between children with and without disabilities to ensure discrimination with vulnerable populations.
  • Enables theory-based decision-making because principles of neuroscience, sensory processing, strengths-based approaches, and ecological models are embedded in the items and scoring structure.



Sensory Profile 2 and Adolescent/Adult Sensory Profile Complete Starter Kit (0158700015)
Includes: Manuals and 1 pack each English form for Adolescent/Adult Sensory Profile and Sensory Profile 2

Sensory Profile 2 Starter Kit (0158700007)
Includes: Manual and 1 pack of each English form for Sensory Profile 2 (Infant, Toddler, Child, School Companion short form)