Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, Fifth Edition (PPVT-5)
9999 in stock
A measure of receptive vocabulary for Standard American English
- Ages / Grades: 2:6 – 90+ years
- Administration Format: Paper-and-pencil or digital (Q-interactive)
- Administration Time: 10 – 15 minutes
- Scoring Options: Web-based scoring (Q-global), hand-scoring
- Scores / Interpretation: Age-based standard scores (M = 100, SD = 15), percentiles, normal curve equivalents (NCEs), stanines, age equivalents, and Growth Scale Value (GSV)
- Qualification Level: B
Five Reasons to Choose PPVT-5:
- Flexible options, digital or paper—with Q-global and/or Q-interactive
- Qualitative Analyses—five ways to help you make hypotheses about vocabulary performance
- Strong reliability and validity
- Growth Scale Values (GSVs)—an objective score for measuring changes in performance over time
- "What's Next?" PPVT-5 helps you link directly from assessment to intervention.
And even more, consider using PPVT-5 with EVT-3, its co-normed companion test for expressive vocabulary, and The Bridge of Vocabulary 2 for your intervention.
Uses & Applications:
- Measure receptive vocabulary acquisition
- Monitor progress of receptive vocabulary acquisition using two parallel forms or the Growth Scale Value (GSV)
- Contribute useful information when assessing receptive vocabulary, as part of a language evaluation, across the lifespan
- Contribute useful information when screening or assessing strengths and weaknesses in the specific domain of semantics (i.e., word knowledge) and general area of language development
- Directly compare receptive and expressive vocabulary when you also administer the EVT-3
- Move immediately into evidence-based interventions using those embedded directly into and linked into the Q-global system
How Can I Buy PPVT-5?
PPVT-5 will be sold in paper/pencil and digital formats. Digital formats include:
- Digital administration and scoring via the Q-interactive system
- Digital scoring and reporting via the Q-global system
- Digital stimulus books and manuals via the Q-global system
Q-interactive is Pearson's web- and iPad®-based system for interactive, seamless assessment, scoring, and reporting. With Q-interactive, you may administer interactive assessments with an intuitive, portable system employing two iPads connected by Bluetooth. The examinee views test stimuli on one iPad; you use the other iPad to access test administration directions and verbal stimuli, control visual stimuli, and record and score responses.
Customers already using Q-interactive for PPVT-4 receive access to PPVT-5 automatically!
Q-global is Pearson's web-based system for accessing digital resources for assessment, scoring, and reporting. PPVT-5 will have digital stimulus books and a digital manual available for purchase (scoring is purchased separately). You have the option to purchase an unlimited-use scoring subscription for one year, or individual score reports (quantity discounts are available).
*Scoring subscriptions are sold on a per-user basis
Main Research Goals for PPVT-5:
- Maintain the basic format of the PPVT–4 (e.g., two parallel forms, selection of stimulus word from four-picture layout)
- Update normative data
- Refine the digital applications that will maintain the basic qualities of the PPVT–4 (e.g., ease of administration and response capture, brief administration
- time, accurate scoring)
- Refine items (for Form A and Form B) so that stimulus words and picture stimuli may be applied to differing cultures within Canada in the current day
- Simplify administration process to save timeInclude item analyses that provide assessment to intervention connections